I am an official tourist guide for the last 20
years and it went so fast that I find it hard to
Guiding all over Greece, has been an unforgettable
journey. It is always a great pleasure and a privilege to show my
country and especially Athens, the city I was born in, and lived
most of my life.
I graduated from the University in 1990. Ever since, I have
attended many seminars on Greek history in Greece and abroad. At
the same time, I have lectured Greek students of the Polytechnic
University of Greece as well as American students from Ivy League
universities(Brown , Harvard etc.)
In the 25 years that I have been working I have traveled and
guided most archaeological sites all over Greece.
I have collaborated, among other things, with the 2004
Olympic Games Committee, with Foreign Embassies, as well as other
Greek and Foreign Institutions.
I have never stopped searching, reading and learning about my
country and I still love it!
Haz un viaje en el tiempo