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Kakogiannaki Georgia

Place of residence: Attica
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Telephone: +30 6976431226

Official Guide Identity


Hello! My name is Georgia. I was born and raised in Athens. Since I was a little girl I was particularly interested in mythology, history and archaeology. That’s the reason why I studied at the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens. Being in love with this vibrant, full of life city, I always enjoyed sharing my passion with the precious guests of my country. This is why I decided to work as a licensed tourist guide after graduating from the School of Tourist Guides of Athens. Apart from the guided tours at the archaeological sites and museums of Athens, I am a strong storyteller who enjoys strolling around the city showing not only the attractions, but also the hidden gems. Of course, I can make suggestions to you according to your own taste, what to shop, where to eat, what to do in your free time, etc. If you want a special tailor-made tour with a passionate guide, I am the one for you!

Top 3 destinations

  • Acropolis hill and Acropolis museum 
  • Ancient Agora
  • Cape Sounio Tour

Official Guide Identity

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No confiarías en un doctor, maestro o conductor falso. Por qué entonces confiar en un guía sin licencia?

Πανελλήνια Ομοσπονδία Ξεναγών Παγκόσμια Ομοσπονδίας Ξεναγών (W.F.T.G.A.) Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία Ξεναγών (F.E.G.)

La Asociación representa a sus altamente calificados miembros, que están certificados por el Estado griego. Estos, cubren una amplia gama de programas y son capaces de satisfacer cualquier demanda en 28 idiomas diferentes. De acuerdo con la ley griega, solo a los guías turísticos autorizados les es permitido guiarle a lo largo de Grecia.