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Guide's profile is available in the following languages:
Greek English


Place of residence: Attica
Languages: English, Chinese, Turkish
Telephone: +30 6938676085

Official Guide Identity


"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", is a saying that originated from a Chinese proverb and it can begin with a tour with me.  Hello! My name is Paris, the famous prince from the Trojan War. And I am at your disposal for tailor made tours in all over Greece. I am a professional certified english -chinese tour guide, Chinese language teacher and actor. I try to combine these different knowledge and skills in order for to make visitors learn things while having fun. Discover Greece, the country of the gods with me!

Official Guide Identity

Haz un viaje en el tiempo

No confiarías en un doctor, maestro o conductor falso. Por qué entonces confiar en un guía sin licencia?

Πανελλήνια Ομοσπονδία Ξεναγών Παγκόσμια Ομοσπονδίας Ξεναγών (W.F.T.G.A.) Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία Ξεναγών (F.E.G.)

La Asociación representa a sus altamente calificados miembros, que están certificados por el Estado griego. Estos, cubren una amplia gama de programas y son capaces de satisfacer cualquier demanda en 28 idiomas diferentes. De acuerdo con la ley griega, solo a los guías turísticos autorizados les es permitido guiarle a lo largo de Grecia.