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Guide's profile is available in the following languages:
English German Greek


Place of residence: Attica
Languages: English, German, Greek
Telephone: +30 6948-288176 / +30 6945-677333

Official Guide Identity

About me

Born in and being in love with Athens. I've studied Greek Archaeology for my BA and kept on in Cultural Heritage Management (MSc) and Ancient Greek Theatre (MSc). My dissertations are on the 5th c. BC Attica ("Kalabokas plot. Plot 153: an ancient greek neighbourhood in the deme of Aixonides Ales, today's Voula, Attica") and the Seven-gated-Thebes, Greece ("The topography of ancient Thebes (Greece) through the ancient greek tragedians and the finds"). I have worked  as an archaeologist both in rescue and university excavations, for years, in international projects in Greece (Kythira island, Keos-Karthaia, Athens-Plaka, Voula-Attic Riviera, Crete-Knossos, Kavousi, Mochlos islet) and Turkey (Cesme, Liman Tepe). By short-term contracts I have had recorded pottery in Lavrion Archaeological Museum and Saint Nicolas Arch. Museum on Crete. I was more than honoured to be an INSTAP (Institute for the Aegean Prehistory for East Crete) Fellow in 2012-13. One of the coolest experiences was my long-stay in Villa Ariadne, the house of Sir Arthur Evans across the Labyrinth! The last 10 years I work as a professional tour guide in english and german. During this time I have been once an elected representantive in Panhellenic Tourist Guide Federation (ΠΟΞΕΝ), while I have represented Crete in  London (WTM) and Vienna. I am looking forward to meet you and share my passion for archaeology and Greece with you!

Official Guide Identity

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Πανελλήνια Ομοσπονδία Ξεναγών Παγκόσμια Ομοσπονδίας Ξεναγών (W.F.T.G.A.) Ευρωπαϊκή Ομοσπονδία Ξεναγών (F.E.G.)

La Asociación representa a sus altamente calificados miembros, que están certificados por el Estado griego. Estos, cubren una amplia gama de programas y son capaces de satisfacer cualquier demanda en 28 idiomas diferentes. De acuerdo con la ley griega, solo a los guías turísticos autorizados les es permitido guiarle a lo largo de Grecia.